SEA-TAC Airport Security Wait Times Summarized In 10 Tweets
|Hey TSA, are you listening?
#SeaTac is busier than ever and it’s not even cruise season yet. Arrive early and plan for a bit of a wait
— Mo Stewart (@fried_madness) March 3, 2016
Are you kidding #seatac , chaos in security lines, never seen the security line this long
— Phillip Yin (@PhillipTKYin) March 4, 2016
With lines this long, @SeaTacAirport needs to install bathrooms & restaurants along the way! #fail @AskTSA #seatac
— Jerad Gardner, MD (@JMGardnerMD) March 17, 2016
The horror stories are real. #seatac should be better than this @codyscarter
— Martin J Magers (@MJMagersMD) March 17, 2016
What a nightmare at #seatac airport #TSA. AMAZING
— Lester Thompson (@headandneckpath) March 17, 2016
If this is a ploy to get my $$ for TSA precheck, it worked! Signing up when home. #seatac @ferrites @surrealistNYC
— Francesca Khani, MD (@FKhaniPath) March 17, 2016
Bonus for me. Sucks for the hundreds others. At @SeaTacAirport.
— David Parker Brown (@ARdpb) March 11, 2016
1 hour 30 mins so far in the #Seattle airport #SeaTac security lines. Terrible organisation Worst airport experience
— James (@jguion) March 4, 2016
Seattle Airport 43m passengers annually, but one TSA-PreCheck line open in the entire airport. It’s Wednesday 6p. ?
— Dr. Eric Lee (@DrEricLee) March 17, 2016
Better be a fun ride at end of this line. Not as bad as predicted tho maybe 45 min
— Matthew Wasco (@Gleason4plus5) March 16, 2016
Picture Header Source: Andrew Pilloud, Flickr, CC BY 2.o